18 October 2011

nanananananananana GRAPE MAN

 I decided to choose an image to do with the theme produce yet I wanted one with a human involve to test out the Julian opie skills of facial features. i found this man on google dressed as a bunch of grapes! Can only imagine how much fun he had....
After drawing an outline of the image I then started to add colour. I added my own twist by using different tone and types of purples for each grape. I then copy and pasted some as there was too much of a gap between each fruit, to fill in and look more effective. I then coloured in his legs to the colour of a stalk, branch that holds the grapes together.
I took the background off after adding it as I believe it seems more effective without and also the face has proved to be quite Julian Opie'ish!

Smile for the fruit!

 After choosing my image off the internet, after searching fruit on google, I added a new layer to start an outline drawing of it.
After saving the outlined image I then bucket filled the outline in and arrange the separated outlined images to bring the highlights forwards and the low-lighted areas (on the banana) backwards.
I then added a third layer to include the background and hid the first layer of the image. I decided on this background as I found it was softer feel yet with the hidden leaf in it carrying on the theme of produce.
Underneath is the final image I have produced. I am happy with it although I would like to improve it by adding more detail to the fruit: more highlighted areas, low-lighted, trying to merge them all to create a more lifelike image.

14 October 2011

More Lovely Backgrounds

 Here are the rest of my backgrounds plus the ones I have already uploaded. As you can see they all very in their own ways and I have manipulated some with others. I find that the paper with the soft textures on for example: the feathers , by collaborating them with other textures or paper there is a positive effect on the outlook.


 This is the end piece of what I have produced this lesson. I have gone for a more Michael Craig Martin by blending the lines into the colour of the shape and using a more vibrant palette like he does in his drawings.

 During this bit i had to re-arrange the vector lines/shapes to mold the shape of the fruit as accurate to the picture as possible.
 The underneath screen shot is of a comparison of the image I was drawing from to the image I drew. I believe my drawing is a effective reflection drawing in the Michael Craig Martin style.
These are the screen shots as to how I ended with my final piece. I added the background last as I was merging that around the colours of the drawing I had chosen. The background I chose was a more mellower, darker colour than the drawing so the drawing would be more eye catching.

10 October 2011


These are some of the backgrounds that I have scanned through onto the computer during todays lesson. I have chosen these five as I wanted to show the stages of how I got to the results I ended with. I shall be using these in some of my CAD drawings throughout the year , especially as some of them could be linked with the given theme : produce.  I am happy with these backgrounds and have only put on the ones I am the happiest with. By using the scanner and photoshop I was able to play around with different textured papers and different types of separate textures.

A few drawings......

The first image is unfinished but is showing a work in progress. I used illustrator to produce this and by drawing the outlines of each fruit .I then arranged them so those that needed would overlap the fruit that where more in the background in the picture.

Over the past few weeks I have worked on images to do with the style of Julian Opie and Andy Warhol. I have emerged both of the artists ideas on the  third drawing (with the purple background) by using the black lining like Warhol but using the vibrant colours of Opie.  I believe the image looks successful especially by adding certain details on each fruit and vegetable giving it a more personalized feel. I have also added the original with the lines I started with to produce this piece.

For this drawing I used a minimalistic approach by not adding much detail to the subjects. The original picture is below it and shows the detail I could of included in this drawing. I believe it is a more Michael Craig Martin and Julian Opie approach but I believe the wine glass in the background could've done with a bit more detail as it doesn't look like a wine glass.