14 September 2011

First Blog

Hello and Welcome to my Blog!
 This is a illustration from the book series of Discworld by Terry Pratchett. The illustration is by Paul Kidby and I believe he has transformed from what I have imagined to what Discworld to look like perfectly into this visual art piece.  With the vivid detail that Pratchett delievers in his work  Kidby has used every piece plus more. The illumination of the turtle depics a fantasy element and an untouchable feeling towards it while the highlighted Elephants I believe show themselves to be important to the whole idea of the world being transported through the universe by a turtle, yet they are the safety net to hold the world into place.  He has added a momentum feeling to the turtles flippers by showing both at different angles.
Picture was found at: .http://images.google.com/imgres?q=paul+kidby&hl=en&sa=G&gbv=2&biw=1920&bih=901&tbm=isch&tbnid=0Kbn0XdoXwoeFM:&imgrefurl=http://fantasy.mrugala.net/Paul%2520Kidby/&docid=BTZogFfChBW_YM&w=2500&h=1945&ei=f_twTpy0IMet8QPCtq36CQ&zoom=1

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